
Agape Ministry Armor Bearer
Brothers in Unity Deacons Ministry
Communication Ministry Hospitality Ministry
New Discipleship Ministry Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Incarceration Ministry Media Ministry
Marriage Ministry Music Ministry
Nurse’s Ministry Nursery Ministry
Marketing Ministry Tutorial Ministry
Security Ministry Usher’s Ministry
Van Ministry Women’s Ministry

Agape Ministry - The Agape Ministry seeks to make those who enter Bethel Baptist Church feel welcome and loved as they prepare to receive the Word of God in a powerful and effective way. 

Armor Bearer - Armor Bearers are appointed by the Pastor from congregants who are in good standing, who are tithers, and who love the church and the Shepherd. The main function of one who is designated as an armor bearer is that of service . . . for the Biblical armor bearer was much more than a hired hand. An armor bearer was a person who undoubtedly spent many years, if not one’s entire life, in the leader’s service.

Brothers in Unity - The Brothers-in-Unity ministers to the males at Bethel.  They are encouraged to be Godly and to develop spiritual maturity by nurturing the gifts and talents that God has given to them. 

Project Impact: College Outreach Ministry - Project Impact is designed to help students learn the true meaning of Christianity by reaching out to them with the good news of Christ. This ministry teaches the truth as presented in the Bible and provides Christians with needed discipleship, fellowship, and spiritual encouragement while attending college.

Communication Ministry - Communication Ministry is responsible for publishing The Vision, our quarterly newsletter, as a means of glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is to provide information about assorted Christian events as well as publicize special events.

Deacons Ministry - Deacons are Godly men who are above reproach. They are appointed by the Pastor. They serve as church leaders, but are also called to be servants.

New Discipleship Ministry - Upon profession of faith in Christ Jesus, the Discipleship Ministry assists Pastor Marable in receiving believers who wish to connect with Bethel Baptist Church. This ministry prays for and embraces new members with the love of Jesus. It encourages and inspires them to grow spiritually through biblical instruction, individual mentoring as well as through studying God’s Word. Through spiritual growth and development, new members discover their spiritual gifts and are able to use their gifts for Kingdom building. 

Hospitality Ministry - The Hospitality Ministry seeks to minister to our guests and members by preparing and serving fellowship meals for various church-sponsored events. 

Incarceration Ministry - The Incarceration Ministry ministers to those who are incarcerated. The inmates are visited bimonthly. During these visits, the inmates receive healing, deliverance, and salvation through the Word of God which enables them to live victorious Christian lives in the Lord.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry - The Intercessory Prayer Ministry petitions God for Pastor Marable, his family and the Vision for this ministry. It also prays for the spiritual development of the saints of God and maintains faith that God will intervene in every person’s life. 

Marriage Ministry - Marriage Ministry will offer guidance to Christian couples who want to maintain and enrich their lives together through conferences, Bible study, worship celebrations, retreats, and fellowship with other couples

Media Ministry - The Media Ministry takes the anointed preaching ministry of Pastor James C. Marable to the airwaves. It is designed to provide spiritual enrichment as we seek to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord.  This ministry provides audiocassette and videotapes of the weekly worship services to share the good news of Jesus Christ. 

Ministry of Helps - The Ministry of Helps visits the sick and shut-ins and the residents of the local nursing homes.  It manages the church food bank, and it ministers to the needs of the less fortunate in our community. 

Music Ministry - The Music Ministry ministers to the congregation through various styles of music that glorify God and bring worshipers into His presence. 

Nursery Ministry - During worship celebrations, the Nursery Ministry provides young worshipers with spiritual guidance and activities designed specifically for their age level giving parents the opportunity to worship and praise God without distractions.

Nurse’s Ministry - The Nurse’s Ministry provides immediate emergency medical assistance to individuals as needed and works to ensure the health and well-being of Pastor Marable as he ministers to God’s people. 

Marketing Ministry - The Marketing Ministry is responsible for exposing and spotlighting the programs and ministry of Bethel Baptist Church. The team is focused on anticipating the present and future trends of people in the community, state, and around the world as they seek to make known the purpose and vision of Bethel Baptist Church.

Security Ministry - Security Ministry will provide our visitors, friends, and the entire Bethel Baptist Church family with a safe and secure environment during the course of, and in conjunction with, sanctioned worship celebrations and activities of the church. They will be ready to assist parishioners in emergency situations both in the facility and in the parking area.

Tutorial Ministry - The Loving Hands After-school Program is a ministry designed to provide academic assistance to students in grades K-12.  It is recognized as Supplemental Service Provider under the No Child Left Behind Act by both the National and Georgia Department of Education.

Usher’s Ministry - The Usher’s Ministry seeks to minister to all worshipers through humble service and a commitment to promote spiritual growth and fellowship.  This ministry assists in seating worshipers, distributing church bulletins as well as other church literature, and helps to maintain order during our worship celebrations. 

Van Ministry - The Van Ministry provides transportation to and from worship celebrations as well as various church activities and events.

Women’s Ministry - The Women’s Ministry provides women and females of all ages and stages of life with opportunities to be all they can for Christ by discovering their Christian power, spiritual gifts and leadership potential.

Youth Ministry - The Youth Ministry seeks to minister to the youth of our church and the community. It motivates and provides spiritual awareness to all who participate. This ministry instills in our youth a desire to grow closer to the Lord and give Him glory in all thing.